
I’m Linda Jane (she/her). I’m a writer, editor, parent, and outdoor enthusiast. I love being nerdy about nature, swimming even in winter, and exploring the places around me. I was born in Singapore, grew up in Tāmaki Makaurau, and have spent various periods of time in Te Anau, Tea Gardens (NSW, Australia), and New Hampshire (USA). I’m Singaporean, Pākehā, and queer. I currently live in Mohua | Golden Bay with my family and a bunch of doofy chickens.

My background is in experiential and environmental education, including teambuilding, teaching forest and wetland ecology, and outdoor skills. I have worked with young people for nearly 20 years, and writing since I could hold a pen (just don’t judge me for my classic ‘The day I shrunk and fell down the telephone wire’ from c. 1994). I am currently the lead editor for The Sapling, and write picture books, academic articles, essays and poetry.